Monday, November 30, 2015

Burning off those Thanksgiving calories......

Well after both of us enjoying the Thanksgiving break with our family, we are back to walking the streets of Yucaipa.  Today's walk brought us out to the North Bench area once again.  The Fall colors were in full force along these streets, which made for a beautiful crisp walk.

We walked the Executive Mobilehomes Estate which is a very nice mobile home park here in town.  Lot's of homes are already decked out with their Christmas lights and all residents we ran into were all very friendly.

Tomorrow's walk continues in the Northeastern part of town and will start at Fir and wind its way through all the street east of Bryant and end on Birchwood.  If you want to join us on our quest to WALK EVERY STREET IN YUCAIPA, meet us at 4:15 on Fir and Bryant (dress warm - these evenings have been cold)!!!

Executive Mobilehome Estates

Sorry this was blurry - but I will do better next time.

3.02 miles on this beautiful evening.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

We'll let the pictures do our talking........

Our quest to WALK EVERY STREET IN YUCAIPA took us on a 3 mile journey along Ivy Street - from Cherry Croft to Juniper -  in the North Bench area.  The sheer beauty of this area doesn't require any words......

Enjoy the beauty of our town!!!

We will be taking a week off due to both of us traveling during the Thanksgiving Break, so we will see you all on Monday, November 30th.    

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Ivy, Fremont, Cherry Croft....... Do you know these places?

How many posts can I write about the beauty of Yucaipa???  Too many.......  Well today was no different than our prior walks.  A part of Yucaipa that Jill Caballero had NEVER been to.  She was amazed at the beautiful landscaping, spacious homes, the open land all around and the gorgeous views of the Yucaipa Valley from the top of this area.

Our 3 mile walk started at the very top of Ivy (we would have gone further up except for the NO TRESPASSING & PRIVATE ROAD signs) and came down to Jefferson, Cherry Croft and Fremont.  The Fall colors were out in full force up at this elevation.  Simply.......BEAUTIFUL!!!

Long quiet roads.......

Single lane roads leading nowhere!!

Beautiful backroads of Yucaipa

More beauty along our walks!

Fall colors......

The road ends here!!

This is such a beautiful area of our little town!!!

More Fall colors!!
HEY.... It's Jill Squared!!


Tomorrow we will be finishing this area.  Meet us at 4:15 at Ivy and Cherry Croft.  We will be walking 3.5 miles (downhill) to Bryant!!!  

Monday, November 16, 2015

Lions and Tigers and Bears....OH MY!!!

....... Ok, well maybe it wasn't Lions and Tigers and Bears but it definitely was Donkeys, Cows, Horses and Dogs (big dogs, little dogs, yapping dogs, aggressive dogs and tail wagging friendly dogs)!!!!  So needless to say, this was a cold, brisk, windy walk full of animals!!!

Our walk tonight was, to say the least, COLD!!!  We started up on Juniper and Bryant and wound our way down to Ivy and the lower part of Juniper before we headed back up Bryant Street to where we began.  There is a nice little bike lane along Bryant so we felt safe, but it was still nice having Jill Caballero in the lead with her reflective vest on!!!

Overall, this 3.58 mile walk is not one that I would recommend due to the traffic on Bryant and a couple dogs that, although they were initially on their property, had opened gates and decided they did not like us walking past their houses (just a note to pet owners - keep your pets behind gates or fences)!!!

With only an hour of sunlight. Our walks are short and quick,
but these sunsets are beautiful!

This cute guy came runny to the fence to greet us!!

His buddy didn't want to be left out of the pictures!!

Beautiful homes and landscapes in this area.
Large ranch style homes with lots of horse
property!!!  Very peaceful and gorgeous views!!

...and you thought I was joking about the reflective vest!!

Almost missed this little street, but we got it!

Sunsetting over Yucaipa!!  God's beauty!!

We will be back on our journey to WALK EVERY STREET IN YUCAIPA on Wednesday.  We will be tackling Ivy and all the little streets that run off of it.  I anticipate this area taking us at least two days, but we would love to have you join us.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Rolling through them hills

It was a beautiful crisp Saturday morning today and our walk took us 7.67 miles - up, down and around Rolling Hills and El Dorado Mobile Home Park.If you aren't familiar with this area, it is just northeast of Yucaipa Regional Park and Yucaipa Community Park.

This lovely well established neighborhood has sidewalks and minimal traffic, especially in the early morning, so it's a great area to walk.  Be prepared for some steady inclines as you go up Sunnyside towards Bryant, but count it as a good calorie burn.

Our "WAR ROOM" .  Ever wonder how we keep track of where we've
been and where we need to go?  Well here it is!!

Starting our walk at Ridgeview Elementary!

Beautiful scenes from Rolling Hills.  Love the fall colors in the trees!!

A beautiful sunrise!!!

An early morning view of Crafton Hills.

Our dried up aqua duct.  Hoping El Nino fills this up for us!!

El Dorado - A well maintained Senior Citizen mobile home park.
Lot's of people out for their morning walks and everyone was so friendly. 

This sticker is on a lot of mobile homes in this park.
It says Yucaipa Rotary on it but we are curious
as to what the symbol means?  Any ideas?
This beautiful succulent garden is at the end of a cul-de-sac.  A lot of love and attention went into this planter
and we fell in love with it.  Simply BEAUTIFUL!!

Every walk we find change.  Here is our find today!!!

Monday at 4:15pm,  we will be starting our walk at North Juniper and Bryant.  This will be a short 3 miles walk, if you want to join us!!!  Thank you for following our journey as WE WALK EVERY STREET IN YUCAIPA!!!